LSWRIT file is it fixed format? Pressure inputs Ansys classic V172

Bohlen, Dan (GE Aerospace, US)
Tue, Aug 29, 2023 11:54 AM

Hi All,

I was provided some load files (like LSWRIT command) from a customer.  When I try to read it in an get an error when it gets to the pressures.  The header of his file looks like this.

/COM,ANSYS    RELEASE              Release 17.2        BUILD    17.2        UP20160718      15:43:34

And  The pressure commands look like this.

SFE,      41001,  1,            PRES,    1,            R5.0
230.7846665      230.7846665      0              0

I wrote out some from another Ansys .db  and got this.

SFE,    29589,  3,PRES,2,R5.0
0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000

Looks the same to me other than the customer provided spacing is different and in the text file the "spaces" are tabs versus an actual lswrit file they are spaces.

Are the LS load case files fixed format?

Thanks in advance,

Dan Bohlen
Senior Engineer, Stress Analysis
STAR review chairman, military structures
NGP2 engine focal
GE Aerospace
1 Neumann Way
Evendale, OH  45215  USA

Build B90 Col. H5  cube BK35-251
M/D H358  Cell  513-917-3402

Building 200 Col. G3  cube BC088  Desk Phone 3-8816

GE FOCUS:  Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost

"In God we trust, all others bring data." W Edwards Deming

Hi All, I was provided some load files (like LSWRIT command) from a customer. When I try to read it in an get an error when it gets to the pressures. The header of his file looks like this. /COM,ANSYS RELEASE Release 17.2 BUILD 17.2 UP20160718 15:43:34 And The pressure commands look like this. SFE, 41001, 1, PRES, 1, R5.0 230.7846665 230.7846665 0 0 I wrote out some from another Ansys .db and got this. SFE, 29589, 3,PRES,2,R5.0 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 Looks the same to me other than the customer provided spacing is different and in the text file the "spaces" are tabs versus an actual lswrit file they are spaces. Are the LS load case files fixed format? Thanks in advance, Dan Bohlen Senior Engineer, Stress Analysis STAR review chairman, military structures NGP2 engine focal GE Aerospace 1 Neumann Way Evendale, OH 45215 USA Build B90 Col. H5 cube BK35-251 M/D H358 Cell 513-917-3402 Building 200 Col. G3 cube BC088 Desk Phone 3-8816 GE FOCUS: Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost "In God we trust, all others bring data." W Edwards Deming